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The Office on Naval Intelligence through the Chief Petty Officers, First Class Petty Officers and White Hat Associations, provide opportunities for all of our employees to actively support the Suitland community.



Sailors standing in front of Adopt a Road signBack to School Supplies


During the summer months, school supplies which are purchased by ONI employees are collected. At the beginning of the school year, the supplies are donated to local schools as part of our Back to School program.



Thanksgiving Day Food Baskets


Our Thanksgiving Day Food Baskets program provides local families and children with the ingredients of a full Thanksgiving meal they would have otherwise gone without. Weeks of preparation and generous donations on the part of ONI employees go into collecting, coordinating and delivering these meals to nearly 100 local families. It’s our way of ensuring our neighbors are able to celebrate this great American tradition.


Angel Tree


ONI brightens the Christmas holidays of more than 100 local children through its Angel Tree program. During the holiday season, ONI works with local schools to identify children in need. In the spirit of giving, gift tags, noting the children’s’ names, ages and clothing sizes, are placed on a Christmas tree in the ONI lobby. The clothing and toys given by ONI employees are a cheerful Christmas Day surprise for these children. ONI uses its connections with the North Pole to arrange for Santa and Mrs. Claus to visit the local schools to hand out candy canes.


Combined Federal Campaign


ONI participates in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the annual workplace fundraising drive conducted by federal employees and military personnel. The CFC raises millions of dollars that benefit thousands of non-profit charitable organizations each year.



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