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Inspector General (IG)



The Naval Intelligence Activity (NIA) Office of Inspector General (IG) is the designated agent that receives and investigates allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse for the Naval Intelligence Enterprise (NIE), comprising the NIA, the Office of Naval Intelligence, and subordinate commands.  The IG depends upon the NIE military and civilian workforce, contractors, and the public to report their concerns regarding suspected fraud, waste, abuse and gross mismanagement involving the NIE.


Everyone is encouraged to be vigilant to the possibility of fraud, waste, abuse, and related improprieties and to report these suspicions to the IG.


The IG is also the designated NIE agent for initial receipt of allegations of Intelligence Oversight (IO) violations involving the NIE.  For more information on IO, please see the Department of Defense Senior Intelligence Oversight Official’s site at http://dodsioo.defense.gov.


Please contact the IG to report a concern via telephone, via email, in person, or you can call the IG Hotline and leave a recorded message. If calling the Hotline, 301-669-3030, please provide as much detailed information as possible. Please include as many of the "6W’s" as possible:


  1. Who: (Full name, position title, command/agency where the person(s) involved work)
  2. What: (What do you believe is wrong or inappropriate?)
  3. When: (Dates and times when the issues arose or were observed)
  4. Where: (Place where the issue is occurring, including specific building/room numbers or site locations)
  5. Why: (In your opinion, why do you believe this is wrong?)
  6. Witnesses: (Who else knows about this, or could provide additional information on the matter?)

Any information you report will be treated as confidential, but you may also report information anonymously. We would greatly appreciate contact information in case there are follow-up questions and information needed. We will not ask for any personal information, or your reasons for reporting, only information pertaining to the complaint. You may also submit a complaint via fax or email.


Submit an IG Hotline Complaint:


  • 24/7 Telephone Hotline: 301-669-3030
  • Email: NIAIGHotline@us.navy.mil
  • To file a virtual complaint: Hotline Complaint Form
  • FAX: 301-669-3088
  • Mail a Complaint:
    Inspector General
    Office of Naval Intelligence
    4251 Suitland Road
    Washington, DC 20395



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