The Office of Naval Intelligence is located in the National Maritime Intelligence Center (NMIC). This is a restricted federal installation, located at the Suitland Federal Center. As such, the security and protection of property, personnel, and classified material on the installation must be ensured. Vehicles and personnel who enter the NMIC facility are permitted entry conditioned upon consent to be inspected or searched. Entry and exit inspections are authorized to prevent or deter the unauthorized entry of personnel, as well as, the following items: firearms, ammunition, alcohol, illegal controlled substances, personally owned recording devices, cameras, cellular phones, thumb drives, personal laptops, MP-3 players, PDSs and PEDs with record capability, personal two-way pagers, explosive and combustible materials, corrosive chemicals, and chemical or biological materials, etc.
Visitor Arrivals
Accessing the Suitland Federal Center
All visitors to the NMIC Facility must first pass through the Suitland Federal Center Main Gate, located adjacent to the Suitland Metro station on Silver Hill Road (directly across the street from Popeye’s Chicken).
All visitors must present a picture ID card. Acceptable picture IDs include Intelligence Community (IC) badges, Common Access Cards (CACs), military ID cards, passports, state drivers’ licenses, etc.
Accessing the NMIC Facility
All visitors with a DoD CAC or Military ID Card will be authorized entry into the NMIC.
All visitors without a DoD CAC or Military ID Card must complete the Department of the Navy Local Population ID Card/Base Access Pass Registration Form (SECNAV 5512/1) SECNAV Form 5512/1 and email to the NMIC sponsor a minimum of three-business days in advance. Once received, the sponsor will submit a pre-announcement and email to the ONI Pass and ID Office.
All visitors who have a clearance should have their Security Office submit a Visit Request via JPAS to SMO Code 468043.
NOTE: Visitors to either the Suitland Federal Center or the NMIC are subject to random inspections as part of the organizations’ antiterrorism program.