Home : About Us : Kennedy Maritime Analysis Center Fact Sheet

Kennedy Irregular Warfare Center Seal

Helo Dropping People

The Kennedy Maritime Analysis Center is the Navy's Center of Excellence for civil maritime, counternarcotics, and adversary malign influence activities expertise. Kennedy expertise informs policy and plans at the strategic level while integrating at the operational and tactical levels in support of day-to-day competition while remaining “at the ready as ONI’s action arm” for crisis and/or conflict. The center integrates extensive maritime industry expertise, proven operational intelligence experience, and innovative analytical tools and techniques to provide National, Navy, and Partner/Allies decision-makers a decisive advantage. Kennedy is one of five Centers of Excellence that are distinct commands under the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).


A Strategic Intelligence Community Resource

The Kennedy Maritime Analysis Center is committed to the relentless pursuit of our Nation’s adversaries.  The world-class Kennedy workforce informs national policy, supports the Joint Force and Navy Warfighters delivering civil maritime, counternarcotics, and adversary malign influence expertise needed to help its customers prevail in day-to-day competition while remaining “at the ready” for crisis and/or conflict.



Deliver tailored civil maritime, counternarcotics, and adversary malign influence activities expertise coupled with a mastery of the intelligence cycle to enable Nation, Navy, and Partner/Allies operations, actions, and investments.


Functions, Roles & Responsibilities

From illuminating to enabling disruption of adversary influence in the civil maritime domain, Kennedy delivers decision advantage for the Nation, Navy, and partners’ and allies’  needs of today, furthering America’s competitive advantage.   The Center’s total force concept integrates military and civilian intelligence professionals to deliver analysis and production and operational support.


Kennedy’s key functions include:


  • Identifying Transnational Threats in the Commercial Maritime Economic Domain and advising on how to mitigate, disrupt, and mitigate.
  • Monitoring and reporting key aspects of civil maritime activity, including 24/7 target quality white ship tracking data for adversary vessels and vessels of interest
  • Detecting, monitoring, and supporting disruption of drug networks and transnational organized crime groups operating in the maritime environment as well as delivering analysis to support sanctions enforcement and counterproliferation
  • Deploying tailored intelligence professionals around the globe (military and civilian) to enable operations, actions, and investments with a primary emphasis on China and Russia

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